Thursday, June 18, 2009

Senate Says 'Sorry' for Slavery: Discuss!

Here ya go, Souljaboi! A sincere, U.S. Senate apology for the way your country literally and figuratively held your ancestors in bondage for centuries. (That fabled "forty acres and and a mule" promised back in 1865 to enlist blacks' assistance in winning the Civil War? STILL not included.)
Now, with an African-American serving as Commander in Chief, our legislative branch has reached tacit agreement that it's about time America admitted "my bad" to all those slavery/Jim Crow atrocities of the past and, for gosh sakes, let bygones be bygones.
The only caveat, as the New York Daily News quipped Thursday to many frothing bloggers' delight: "reparations" ain't coming.
Ponder that while you're waiting for the fairways at Bethpage Black to dry out enough so you can watch Tiger Woods compete for his 15th Major victory and another U.S. Open win. Better yet, talk that over while you're out on the links this weekend, striving to score your personal bests.
According to a UPI report, the resolution to apologize for all that brutally enforced servitude and segregation way back when included a carefully worded caveat. It "did not authorize or support claims against the United States and did not serve as any settlement against the United States."
Speaking for the Congressional Black Caucus, California representative Maxine Waters called the inclusion of a disclaimer against lawsuits, "unnecessary".
Besides: What would you do with a mule?

Photos: flickr,

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