Wednesday, October 14, 2009

'Neo-Nazi' Pelts Black Couple with Golf Balls

Who says the game of golf isn't 'inclusive'?
An African-American couple in placid Port Huron, Mich. would beg to differ...and get a reprieve from whoever it is that has been pitching swastika-festooned golf balls onto their property.
Word's begun spreading worldwide that some cowardly knuckle-dragger'(s')idea of a good time is peppering a black family's domicile with balls crudely colored with slurs, black face caricatures and Nazi symbols.
The police have gotten involved, reportedly, and narrowed down some 'persons of interest'. But no hate-crime arrests have been made yet, and a neighbor of the offended _ who also happens to be one of the few blacks living in the area _ is wondering why racially insensitive range balls are winding up in his yard as well.
To make matters worse, the Associated Press reports that the Secret Service is now involved in the investigation of a 10x10 imprint of a Swastika carved next to the name Obama on the 18th hole of a Massachusetts course over the Columbus Day weekend.
If the game has a hateful tinge to it of late, the situation's not helped by the fact that the influential recently ran a banner headline decrying: "Obama golfs fourth week straight".
If this trend continues, can some incident where a golf "fan" shouts words of racist derision while Tiger's in his back swing be far in the offing?
Photo: Port Huron Times Herald


Geo said...

It appears as though Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown of Port Huron, Michigan complained about their next-door neighbor’s code violations. We don’t know if the complaint was about a kudzu-covered church bus parked on the side of the house or if the neighbor’s were rebuilding transmissions in the driveway, but the Brown’s are not too keen on seeing their property value plummet any more than the global economic recession has already caused (especially not as a result of a negligent neighbor).

The neighbor’s apparently took the complaints personally because instead of addressing the code violations they chose to pepper the Browns’ yard with swastika-covered, plastic golf balls. I guess the neighbors did not want to make matters worse by using real golf balls. Real golf balls can break windows (and bones) which could have elevated this matter from golf to mixed martial arts.

The good: the trailer park escapees are being evicted

The bad: the golf balls were not brand new PRO V1’s covered in washable ink

Geo said...

It's good to hear that Barack's playing at least once a week - with his schedule he needs and deserves that outlet - he was once quoted as saying that golf provides him with the only quality time he spends outdoors (i'm sure Michelle, Malia and Sasha were thrilled to hear that) my buddy who's stationed in the D.C. area has been playing a lot at one of the military courses up there that Obama frequents and once watched him hit balls for several minutes - he reports that the Prez has a very refined, athletic swing which is at least in part due to constant monitoring from his personal swing coach