Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tiger Woods Saga: More Distorted Every Day

If Fore!BlackGolfers ever gets around to creating a Green of Honor, we (gulp!) would have to install Furman Bisher as a (posthumous) figure.
When it comes to 'keepin' in real' in the golf journalism arena, this ol' coot puts Al Sharpton to shame. Bisher - a former colleague of mine who I observed more than once being granted the Royal (as in "typewriter") treatment at exclusive golf events - has taken all the icing off the cake of the Tiger Woods saga by detailing what an anonymous source he 'trusts' says about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED that night of THE CRASH.
You know where to click (above) if you want to read the sordid (second-hand, unverifiable) yarn he spins.
I'll spare your patience, and just link back here now and then whenever the plot thickens enough to call a report for what it really is...
Feel free to leave a comment on how you feel about the media coverage so far.
Hit 'em straight.

1 comment:

Geo said...

I’m not one to question anyone’s journalistic integrity. I’ve never had a reason to. And for my first foray into this kind of accusation I could have chosen a much less iconic figure than the esteemed Furman Bisher, but his most recent offering regarding the Tiger Woods saga suggests that he may be putting his reputation ahead of standard documentation principles. In other words, Furman Bisher, resorted to “he said, she said.”

I imagine it’s been a long time since Furman has had this much egg on his face. We’ll give him a pass this time considering the circumstances but hopefully he’ll learn from his mistake.