Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tiger Woods' Next EA Sports Game Launching

Not every sponsor has jumped off Tiger Woods' back now that it's been revealed that he prowled outside of his marriage to Elin.
The golf press is now reporting on the fact that EA Sports is going forward with its new online golf game centered around Woods, and will soon allow select users to test-drive the "breakthrough" technology to help iron out wrinkles before it goes live.
Tiger’s transgressions are forgiven as far as EA Sports President Peter Moore seems concerned: the golfer Moore considers “one of the greatest athletes in history” has helped EA earn far more than half a billion dollars in just the U.S. over the last decade according to respected estimates.
(Visit the EA web site for "open beta" access to "Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online")
The U.K.'s Independent tribune has just declared the online (PC) game "instantly gratifying", adding that the best feature of what's considered a pre-cursor to the inevitable launch of "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10" for the Wii is, "the option to play it via a web browser; register at, create a golfing persona, and let your browser take care of the rest."
Apparently, SOMEBODY (besides Elin) thinks of Tiger as a commodity you can still take to the bank.

Photo: EA Sports


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